Essay and Oratorical Contests

If you were under the age of 19 years as of Oct 1 of the current school year and could use up to $22,500 for your Post Secondary Education, then you want to read on...

We host Annual Essay and Oratorical Contests. We provide Club prizes in the following 3 categories:

o Grade 6 and under

o Grades 7-8 and

o Grade 9 and up

These competitions are a great way to unleash your creativity and compete for up to $22,500 in scholarship funds.

The topics change every year and focus on Optimism.

For the Essay Contest, you only need to write between 700-800 words about your thoughts on the topic and submit them to us by the due date. Winning essays can go on to compete for up to $2,500 in Scholarship monies.

For the Oratorical Contest, you need to write a four to five-minute speech on the topic and then practice speaking it. The oratorical contest will be held in person at an appropriate location. Winning speakers can go on to compete for up to $22,500 in International Scholarship monies.

All of the current year's information will be posted in the download section of this site. Look for the student letter and the application. Be sure to select the correct applications. It is very important that you read and follow all the rules as listed so that you do not lose any points for anything silly!!!

Everyone receives something. It could be a certificate, a gift card or a scholarship.

And remember "You miss 100% of the shots you don't take"! (Wayne Gretzky)

Thank you for your interest. Now check out this year's topics and give us your thoughts!